Welcome back for some fresh vital Grind Some news!
As you all should know if you really skate, the Tampa Pro was this past weekend and boy oh boy was it off the hook! If you were geographically restrained (like us) to some anti-SPoTampa location without access to FUEL.tv and missed out on this event, then don't cry just yet, because you can see the whole thing at FUEL.TV online. Some killer skating going on there and thanks out to Jungle Jim who made the trip and dropped some Ollie Pop to the lucky ones in the crowd. Surely they will splice a made for tv version on cable as well. Consider that our little tidbit of gift to you for this week. See... we here at Ollie Pop like to share the sites and take care of our peops.
While we are on the subject of comps. our young riders rip! Ryan Connors is rolling like the proverbial king of the heap eh #1 This time it was at CC Monster Series. So make sure you stop by his Myspace page and leave him some love. Additionally, we'll be rolling the Ollie Pop Van out to meet our groms AM/DM (Antonio Moya and David Mackay) at the Extreme Thing happening at Desert Breeze park in Vegas for the VegasAMJAM. Good luck guys! Oh and a finally - did we tell you about our little SoFLA ripper - Alx Sorgente? - well shame on us cause a couple weeks back the super steazy italion stallion won the overall GROM division at the Florida Bowlriders Cup with a second in Kona and top spots in New Smyrna and Cocoa Beach. Check out the details from our friend DD - Dave Duncan at World Cup Skateboarding. Oh and grand finale - props out to Reuben who trekked with his little bro all the way from El Centro to check out the Ollie Pop WHQ. You rock and we appreciate all your support. Stayed tuned as we gots some ideas brewing for you with K1.
Anyways, check this out! We've been telling you about the Patty Skate Jam at Underwood Skatepark for the past month or so and believe it or not, it's almost here! Sarge and the homies over in PA, are hosting the contest on March 28th. It is called the Paddy Skate Jam and they will be putting on a Ollie Pop Sponsored High Ollie contest with 50 bucks getting shelled out to whoever wins!!! So start practicing your pop! Underwood is also freshly stocked with Ollie Pop, so make sure you pick some up while your there, that way you can get that extra pop that you're going to need for the comp. Speaking of Freshly Stocked EXODUS - "Freedom for the skaters" (thanks Mr. Marley) has re-upped and received some fresh good stuff. Our loyal friend Carter down near tobacco road in Winston-Salem will be happy to get your Ollie Pop fix - btw - for you older more exposed - we are talking about Ollie Pop Bubble Gum here!!!
So a big thanks to you fearless rider/shredder/fan for reading our little update to the world here with Grind Some blog! Let us know if your jonesng some ollie pop and you can't find it anywhere near you. Be sure to holla out their name and a basic location - we in turn shall hit their phone, inbox and quite possibly their shop. And if they choose to be too cool or "hard core". We will peer pressure then and if knumber skulls prevail, just tell us where you live and we will call the nearest 7-11 and try to get it in there for you. It may cost a tab bit more, because we try to support YOUR local skate shops and give you some financial incentive to get Ollie Pop from a skate/surf/snow shop. Speaking of snow - props out to our Grenade friends and Danny Kass on his however manyeth World Cup crown! so like i was gonna say - we will do our very best to make sure that you have complete access to buy your Ollie Pop. Thanks guys, now GO SKATE, RIDE and SHRED!!!
-Ollie Pop
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